| FTBL @MarkRicht: I'm a big time LSU fan this weekend. Geaux Tigers!

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I'm a big time LSU fan this weekend. Geaux Tigers!

11 Oct 12

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@MarkRicht: I'm a big time LSU fan this weekend. Geaux Tigers!

Im torn on this game. Part of me wants USC to win, because....well its LSU and if they have two loses when we play them, it will be much easier to get to Atlanta. The other part of me wants LSU to win because I want them to be ranked as high as possible when we play them. Thoughts?
Im torn on this game. Part of me wants USC to win, because....well its LSU and if they have two loses when we play them, it will be much easier to get to Atlanta. The other part of me wants LSU to win because I want them to be ranked as high as possible when we play them. Thoughts?

IF UoSC wins think about what the talk will be like the following week. Your ears will bleed, Garnet.

If LSU wins, they'll still have the same questions asked next week. It won't be their offense taking over the game that I can see.

Other than that, I really don't have a feeling one way or the other. A two loss LSU team, a one loss team, an undefeated team. I still believe we'll be so much in their heads come that Saturday night the result would be the same no matter what outcome we see this weekend—or if they had won last weekend.

FWIW, I'm not one of those guys who say "I want to play them at their best." I don't care. Just win.
I was hoping someone would respond with something like "hell, anybody can make a twitter account and make it look like someone else" or "so and so said that his account was hacked and he didn't really post that."

Oh well, guess he is just a foolish d-bag.

Those comments were found on UGA forums, I'm sure.

I do understand why Richt would be rooting for LSU this weekend. He's hoping for a shot at ATL.

But geez, you don't say those things publicly.
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