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While I agree this is not a suprise in todays football, I would hardly call this a wash or water under the bridge.

He backpeddling comment was nothing more than probably CLM telling him to shut his trap.

"If we get a good shot on [Tebow], we're going to try our best to take him out of the game" 

"With his size and his heart, it's hard to get a clean shot.

"I think every lineman wants to get a good hit on a Heisman Trophy winner"

Then later said:

"We have great respect for Tim as a player and a competitor. By taking him out of the game, I meant as a defense we are going to try to make him ineffective. I'm sorry that my initial comments were interpreted another way."

So which is it? Because what he said initially didn't seem anything remotely near making Tebow become inneffective as he later tried to rehash it. It would be different had he not chose to use these selective words: clean shot, good hit, out of game.

In the end it doesn't really bother me. I expect it from LSU. It happens and is said plenty for schools and their locker room smack talk. I just don't care to se anyone get hurt in any game.

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