Love 'em or hate 'em, you have to admire the passion


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I know many of you don't give a rats ass about the NFL, let alone the Oakland Raiders, but yesterday was huge day for the city of Oakland and the Raiders franchise as the city council in Oakland met on whether to keep the Raiders in Oakland. One of our fans from Raider Nation, known as "Dr. Death", gave a speech yesterday to them on why they should keep the Raiders in Oakland. This speech just made me want to high 5 my entire office.


FWIW, the City Council voted yes to the proposal by the Bay Area Investment Group for the Coliseum City development project. The planning period extension was very big because the project gained two big investors in the last few months that could end up bringing $2 billion project closer to reality. This also includes on keeping the A's in Oakland too.

Here's what is will supposedly look like:

How are they gonna pay for it?

From what I've heard, the Mayor has sought out to Chinese investors (she's from China I believe) and supposedly will bring in a good bit of revenue. I'm not really high on this subject TBH. I just know Mark Davis does not want to move the franchise out to L.A, despite there being a lot of history out there and a lot of opportunity.
I am very glad to see the fans stand up for their team. I never liked it when Oakland went to LA the first time. The Raiders will always be from Oakland and they need to stay. I would love to see Oakland do well in the NFL again. Fred Biletnikoff, Dave Casper, Howie Long, Jim Plunkett, Lester Hayes, best punter ever in Ray Guy, Otis Sistrunk, Mark Van Eeghen, Todd Christensen, Ted Hendricks, Art Shell, Gene Upshaw, Jim Otto, Tim Brown, and my Favorite Raider, Kenny The Snake Stabler. Great history in that team, and would love to see them thrive again.
I am very glad to see the fans stand up for their team. I never liked it when Oakland went to LA the first time. The Raiders will always be from Oakland and they need to stay. I would love to see Oakland do well in the NFL again. Fred Biletnikoff, Dave Casper, Howie Long, Jim Plunkett, Lester Hayes, best punter ever in Ray Guy, Otis Sistrunk, Mark Van Eeghen, Todd Christensen, Ted Hendricks, Art Shell, Gene Upshaw, Jim Otto, Tim Brown, and my Favorite Raider, Kenny The Snake Stabler. Great history in that team, and would love to see them thrive again.

Yeah this guy has always been an upstanding kind of guy. Not sure if he lives in Oakland or not, but he does a lot to help the city of Oakland. Sadly, its getting worse from what I've seen. I used to be able to park my car downtown or near East Bay without something happening to it, and now I'm afraid too.

Either way, yeah I'd love for us to get back. I feel Reggie McKenzie has us in the right direction, especially with what he brought in in the off-season that has made us far more competitive than years past.
I went and saw the Raiders play at Seattle when I was stationed there around 1989 or 1990, Saw Bo Jackson play for the Raiders and later saw him play baseball with the Royals and the White Sox. I would go to a bunch of Seahawks games and Mariners games as the years pass. I always attended the Raiders games. Growing up I was a huge Raider fan when The Snake was there. Had one of those Raider Jackets that had the Grey sleeves made out of this plastic feeling material, and the coat was a thick felt or wool. Back then I had a NFC team (Cowboys) and a AFC team (Raiders). Those were the days. I still watch Cowboys, Raiders, and Saints. Started liking the Saints when Stabler went there.
Raiders are one of my favorite non-Eagles teams haha. I really pull for them, despite what happened in 1980 lol. I feel like they have a lot in common .. We both have a history of rowdy fans and tough home venues, we both come from traditionally blue collar and under-appreciated cities that have a neighbor who looks down on us (New York/DC, San Francisco), we both have a history of tough players, and we are both hated by pretty much all other fans lol. I never understood the Raiders hate, any more than I understand the Eagles hate. Those teams have the most passionate, diehard, dedicated, loyal fans in the NFL.
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