| LIFE Lost a great one in my family


Jack of all trades!!
My near 99 year old grandmother and Matriarch of our family passed away Monday night. Man was it tough to see her these final few months. She raised 6 sons by herself after my deadbeat grandfather left her when the oldest was 14. She is survived by 5 of her sons, 13 grandkids, 25 great grandkids, 4 great-great grandkids, and many more nieces and nephews. I take comfort knowing that one day that I will be reunited with her. Love you Ma!!
Sorry to hear. Sending good thoughts and vibes your family's way. 99 though - hell of a life. Imagine the things she saw! She was alive for every single Alabama championship. That's amazing.

My grandmother is 95 this year so I'll probably be in your shoes sooner rather than later. It's never easy saying goodbye.
RIP to her man, I'm sorry to hear. Crazy to think someone could live that long, though. She must have lived a very full life. I lost one of my grandmothers when I was 12 and the other when I was a senior in high school, never knew either of my grandfathers. That stuff is tough.
We once asked her about growing up during the Great Depression and how hard it must have been. She just shrugged her shoulders and said that they never had anything so they didn’t know. It was daily life for them. She was a BIG TIME BAMA fan!!!! She would listen to Eli Gold call every game, even when she knew they were on TV. She hated Verne and Gary!
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers!! I love each one of my UA family on here!!
99 years is a heck of a run. Think about the changes she's observed - first automobiles, all the social changes over the years, the depression, countless War, etc. I was lucky enough to grow up with an amazing grandmother, I miss her.

I've seen pictures of my grandparents on horseback in Tennessee and Limestone County Alabama (northern) - they were born in 1915 and 1919. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around that.
99 years is a heck of a run. Think about the changes she's observed - first automobiles, all the social changes over the years, the depression, countless War, etc. I was lucky enough to grow up with an amazing grandmother, I miss her.

I've seen pictures of my grandparents on horseback in Tennessee and Limestone County Alabama (northern) - they were born in 1915 and 1919. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around that.

No doubt, they don’t make them like that anymore!! She was born December 1919.
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