| NEWS LEBRON JAMES SUED FOR RIPPING OFF TV SHOW You Have No Business in My Barbershop!!!


LeBron James stole something extremely valuable at a barbershop ... so claims a company that is suing the basketball legend for allegedly jacking their idea for a TV show.

Adventure Enterprises claims in a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ Sports, it pitched a TV show to LeBron called "Shop Talk." The backdrop for the show was a barbershop where celebs share their business success stories while getting a haircut.

The company claims it had numerous talks about the idea with LeBron's company, UNINTERRUPTED, over a period of 2 years ... fleshing out the idea and figuring out a strategy for pitching it to various networks.

According to the lawsuit, LeBron went and cut Adventure Enterprises out of the picture and created a ripoff show called "The Shop," featuring LeBron in a barbershop with his contemporaries, "while engaging in an intimate conversation describing cultural experiences." The show aired as a webisode.

Adventure Enterprises claims it confronted LeBron's people, and what they got back was an apology and assurances it was a one-time deal and wouldn't happen again.

Apparently it did happen again, because another segment aired on ESPN no less.

Adventure Enterprises is gunning for an injunction prohibiting LeBron and his company from producing any more episodes. They also want some serious cash.

The company is also suing LeBron's business partner, Maverick Carter.

A source close to LeBron and Maverick tells TMZ calls the lawsuit "totally frivolous and publicity seeking."

LeBron James Sued for Allegedly Ripping Off Barbershop Show
Sounds like Facebook at first glance. We know how that one ended up.
I don't get that reference

Zuckerberg stole the idea from the Winklevoss twins after they pitched him to help them on their social media site, and while he told them he was busy with other things he was in fact building Facebook off the premise of their idea. He settled with them and their business partner to the tune of millions. That's the short of it, but based on what we read here, that just came to mind.
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