| FTBL Keith McCants dead at 53

So sad … I so hope it wasn’t drug related. He had tried so hard to beat that demon. There’s no telling how many NFL players who came after McCants owe a tremendous amount to him for scaring them straight as to taking care of their money and not taking drugs. His was a horror story for sure concerning those two issues but he had survived and was trying to help others to not follow his path. May he truly Rest In Peace.
Davis, Mcants,Rayam, n WyarttView attachment 18679
I went to the Bama vs UK game in 89 and Charlie Pell and his wife were beside me. We chatted and I never let him know I knew who he was. Both he and his wife were just super nice (she was a looker). At the half we left to get cokes and ran into Hoot Owl (from my hometown) and the 1st thing he told Charlie was that Curry's azz was gone at the end of the year! LOL. Charlie questioned him but Hoot said he had the goods from a source that was true.

RIP Hoot Owl Hicks and Keith
Keith was a phenomenal athlete!! He clotheslined me one day at practice in preparation for Vandy and their split back veer option. Now he didn’t slam me to the ground or anything, just snatched me off my feet like I was a little toddler trying to run by him. He sat me back on my feet, straightened my jersey up and then said “I’m going to killer that MFer Saturday!” I told him that was fine by me as long as he waited until Saturday! On probably the 2nd or 3rd snap of the game, Keith buried the Vandy QB into the turf at BDS. The hit knocked him out for the rest of the game. On Sunday, I walked into the team meeting room and Keith was sitting there was a HUGE ass grin on his face!! He said, “Kevin, I told you I was going to get him!” RIP old friend!!
I went to the Bama vs UK game in 89 and Charlie Pell and his wife were beside me. We chatted and I never let him know I knew who he was. Both he and his wife were just super nice (she was a looker). At the half we left to get cokes and ran into Hoot Owl (from my hometown) and the 1st thing he told Charlie was that Curry's azz was gone at the end of the year! LOL. Charlie questioned him but Hoot said he had the goods from a source that was true.

RIP Hoot Owl Hicks and Keith
I know I’m one of the few who liked the Coach Curry hire and will probably get a few thumbs down over this post … hopefully not. Anyway, I
did not know him personally at the time but came to know him well after he left Tuscaloosa. Anyway, I know he probably wasn’t the right guy long term for Bama but he was the right hire at that particular time. Many folks forget what was happening in college football in the mid-80’s … especially in the SEC. The Jan Kemp furor at UGA was casting a wide net across the conference. A lot of people in the press and in academia thought that bright light was about to be directed towards Bama. A few folks in the administration in Tuscaloosa sure thought so and they convinced the decision makers that Curry or someone very much like him was needed to prevent that issue from becoming an issue. They were right and in that respect we should all be thankful for him being the coach at that time.

In truth, he was a pretty damn good coach … he just wasn’t Coach Bryant good or Bear Bryant like. Then again … who was at the time? Maybe Bowden … but he wouldn’t have helped much with the academic issues. What I do know for sure is this … Bill Curry was and still is, a very good man. Granted, I freely admit I’m biased … but I’m not alone in thinking that way about him. He’s extremely well thought of in the college football world … especially by those in the coaching profession and in the media. I just wish more of my fellow Bama fans could have the opportunity to get to know him as I’ve come to know him. It truly hurts him deeply that he’s so disliked by so many of the Crimson Tide faithful. Though he knows he can’t do anything about it now. OK … I’m hopping off my soapbox! RTR!!!
Keith was a phenomenal athlete!! He clotheslined me one day at practice in preparation for Vandy and their split back veer option. Now he didn’t slam me to the ground or anything, just snatched me off my feet like I was a little toddler trying to run by him. He sat me back on my feet, straightened my jersey up and then said “I’m going to killer that MFer Saturday!” I told him that was fine by me as long as he waited until Saturday! On probably the 2nd or 3rd snap of the game, Keith buried the Vandy QB into the turf at BDS. The hit knocked him out for the rest of the game. On Sunday, I walked into the team meeting room and Keith was sitting there was a HUGE ass grin on his face!! He said, “Kevin, I told you I was going to get him!” RIP old friend!!
Man, 93, you’ve got some awesome stories!

RIP Mr. McCants. One of the first players I really followed when I was young.
@Davestwin for me and I think most of us Bama fans it is not about liking or disliking Curry. We also do not dispute that he is a good man. It comes down to the product that he put on the field. Curry's teams were good but that is not good enough at Bama.

I guess this topic should be its own thread.
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@Davestwin for me and I think most of us Bama fans it is not about liking or disliking Curry. We also do dispute that he is a good man. It comes down to the product that he put on the field. Curry's teams were good but that is not good enough at Bama.

I guess this topic should be its own thread.
I don’t know if you really meant we “do” dispute he’s a good man or we don’t dispute it. I’m pretty sure you meant don’t but if it’s the former then we just disagree on this subject.
He and I were the same age. I always kind of saw some of myself in him. Not from the football talent side but from the struggles he had. His testimony definitely influenced me. I just wish had been able to make it stick for himself. I firmly believe God will find him a man deserving of mercy
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