| LIFE Just lost my best friend


Bench Warmer
My dad just won his 10 year battle with dementia and parkinson's when he finally stepped across to the other side last Monday night around 11 p.m. He had been a resident for the past two plus years in the Summerford Nursing Home near Falkville, Alabama. While I sat with him the last days of his life waiting on the battle to end, I came up with this poem. It pretty much describes my and my siblings feelings:


Under the deep blue heaven, under the soft green sod,
We will bury my truest comrade, my daddy, my childhood god.
Shoulder to shoulder we journeyed when he heard a call from the throne,
And leaderless now, toward the twilight, I walk the rough pathway alone.
Forgive me if I falter a moment, while tears from my eyelids brim,
But the little boy in my spirit cries to follow him.

Please remember our family in your thoughts and prayers the next few days. We'll bury him Thursday afternoon.

Wayne I read the obituary this morning and was moved by the life of your daddy. He left you and your siblings a wonderful heritage with his faith. You take comfort that he is now in the arms of his Savior. May God give your family peace and grace during this difficult time. Praying for y'all.
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