integration with social media tools


have you guys thought about enabling the ability to link posts to facebook, google plus, tweeter, etc? might help drive more traffic to the site.

might be too much for some folks, just figured it could help in the quest to get the site more active.

Google plus is new as of a month or so ago, Facebook competition

I don't do facebook. My "social media" interaction falls along the lines of message forums dedicated to football. :lol:

I know there are hacks and add ons available...twitter for example. We've got an account set up for the site, just haven't moved that far into it.

I shot Lance a message...let's see where he is on it.
so, I guess what I was thinking.

give people the ability to like (facebook) or +1 (google plus) a post/reply they made or someone else made, make sense?

If you're signed into your fb account (at the top of this page) it links up with the board, and you can "Like" an individual thread... I don't think you can do an individual post though... I think it just "Likes" the entire thread. I've never done it, but I'm assuming this posts the link to the thread to your fb wall. When Lance sees this thread, he'll be better with info/answers than me.
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