| CURRENT EVENTS In case of nuclear explosion, be sure to socially distance and wear a mask.

Stay inside for 24 hours unless local authorities provide other instructions. Continue to practice social distancing by wearing a mask and by keeping a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who not part of your household.

I mean, maybe I kind of get it but I would think Covid would be the least of our worries with a nuclear war going on.
Even in a nuclear war, some would STILL be taking Covid to the extreme. It would be hilarious if it weren't so fucking sad. Everything about Covid aside, whether you are in the "ehh....nothing to worry about" camp or the "oh my lawd, we all gonna die any 5 seconds now" camp, in the event of a war, civil or nuclear, a virus that's been around for two years now wouldn't even be a thought anymore. Even if a super killer variant that was worse than radio active HIV tainted Ebola had emerged. War gonna get ya a WHOLE lot faster than the latest Covid variant. All this going on with Russia and Ukraine and there are still dumbasses sending petitions to the Whitehouse begging them to "shut it all back down, start over, get it right this time". Why....just.....why? :rolleyes:
Even in a nuclear war, some would STILL be taking Covid to the extreme. It would be hilarious if it weren't so fucking sad. Everything about Covid aside, whether you are in the "ehh....nothing to worry about" camp or the "oh my lawd, we all gonna die any 5 seconds now" camp, in the event of a war, civil or nuclear, a virus that's been around for two years now wouldn't even be a thought anymore. Even if a super killer variant that was worse than radio active HIV tainted Ebola had emerged. War gonna get ya a WHOLE lot faster than the latest Covid variant. All this going on with Russia and Ukraine and there are still dumbasses sending petitions to the Whitehouse begging them to "shut it all back down, start over, get it right this time". Why....just.....why? :rolleyes:
Any covidiots at that point can be shot and their valuables looted.
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