I'm sorry you feel that way


I really am. But what alternative was there. I'm not going to second-guess the decisions of those in charge and neither should you. Almost nothing is ever handled perfectly. Surely nobody will deny that Woolly was in dire need of some upgrades? I am merely the catalyst behind that goal. Be as mad at me as you'd like, but I'd like to extend a truce and offer to re-visit the Wooly once we have it up and running. Until then, enjoy your time here.
I really am. But what alternative was there. I'm not going to second-guess the decisions of those in charge and neither should you. Almost nothing is ever handled perfectly. Surely nobody will deny that Woolly was in dire need of some upgrades? I am merely the catalyst behind that goal. Be as mad at me as you'd like, but I'd like to extend a truce and offer to re-visit the Wooly once we have it up and running. Until then, enjoy your time here.

To bad the real Wooley will not be there. I assure you I will do everything possible to run that place into the ground and I have alot of pull in the Internet tide communities. So in conclusion truce accepted until I unleash holy hell on you like you did to hanni. Good day.
To bad the real Wooley will not be there. I assure you I will do everything possible to run that place into the ground and I have alot of pull in the Internet tide communities. So in conclusion truce accepted until I unleash holy hell on you like you did to hanni. Good day.
No need. That site is dead and we are moving on to better things. This is a positive in my eyes.
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