| CURRENT EVENTS I'm not one that enjoys getting in in-depth conversations about one's faith. But good lord almighty, I read this and shook my head in disbelief.


And understand it's not because of a lack of a faith/religion, it's more to the point of people not being able to discuss that subject without becoming incensed if questioned.

But still...I mean...geez.

I am a "Happy Zombie Jesus Day" kind of person myself but that one is just poorly done and obviously meant to inflame.
There are several aspects in all faiths that I look at with my head slightly tilted to one side while asking, "wait, what?" With my immediate family (Independent Baptist) one of those is their claim that wine wasn't fermented to the same degree in Biblical times. I recall dating a girl in high school that was Mormon (gawd, did my family disapprove that one!!!) and I was always fascinated by no caffeine while bewildered by the stories of Joseph Smith and his "magic" glasses. The list goes on...Jehovah Witness and their 144K when there are millions who profess the religion. What happens to them?

Yet, with all of my questions, I've never stepped as low as to mock a belief, a faith, or a religion.
I gotta say, the person who tweeted that originally is a famous internet troll. I knew I recognized that name somewhere. When a bomb went off at an Ariana Grande concert, killing 23 and injuring something like 500, he tweeted "MULTIPLE CONFIRMED FATALITIES at Manchester Arena. The last time I listened to Arianna Grande I almost died too."
Cannot load the tweet, can someone post a link so I can read what was said? @TerryP, the IFB group is a very strict group as you well know. I know our denomination, Free Will Baptist, had a major rift in 1981 due to the subject, changing the water to wine in John 2.
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