Hilarious bit with Shep Smith on kids being overweight and their diets.


I caught this replay just now on Imus. He may be an Ole Miss guy, but at least they do have a sense of humor!!

I'd say FF to around the 1:50 mark for the context.

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The new federal regulations taking effect this school year is going to be a huge mess for cafeteria personnel. I know I have sat in on numerous meetings about the new regs. Good video BTW.
The new federal regulations taking effect this school year is going to be a huge mess for cafeteria personnel. I know I have sat in on numerous meetings about the new regs. Good video BTW.

I don't know a thing about it Mike. The only news channel I watch is Fox Business and to say the least I don't expect them to cover much on cafeteria regulations. I do recall seeing something a few months ago but didn't pay attention to any of the details.
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