Golf Joke


Smart Pill Addict
A preacher decided he needed to spend some time teaching a new believer what his beliefs should mean in his life. After they both checked their busy schedules they realized that the only time they could get together was at the preacher's Saturday morning golf game.

They met at the golf course and as it turned out, the new convert was quiote a golfer, except for his putting. Along about the fourth hole the newbie had hit a driver and a three wood on a par 5 to within two feet of the pin. His eagle put rimmed out and he said :*$%@#*. I can't believe I missed. The preacher realized that this was a teachable moment. He told the newbie about Zapriel,the angel who watches over Christian golfers and disciplines inappropriate conduct.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't know" he said. "I'll do better."

From that point on he behaved very well and continued to play an excellent round. Finally they got to the eighteenth green, and all the new guy needed to break par was to make another short putt. He carefully lined it up, but left it a little short of the cup. He could no longer restrain himself, and "@**$&^%$, I can't believe I missed" was heard all over the course. A bright light appeared in the sky, and though it was a clear day a lightening bolt went earthward and hit ... the preacher.

A heavenly voice said "*&^%*$#@, I can't believe I missed that."
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