| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Get off my TV! Series or commercials you think need to go?


Blame Hardees for this thread.

This morning was the first time I caught their new commercial for their "Pull apart sticky buns." Now, I don't eat fast food to begin with. Their recent commercials featuring people like Katherine Webb, among others, eating their new Buffalo Blue Cheese Burger was worth watching—once.

But, BUT, this morning seeing a guy on TV talking about how much he likes to "pull one off" before going to work? And it's a sticky bun...covered with a milky white sauce... :smh:
American Karaoke and the dumbass Bachelor/Bachelorette shows can go any time now.

And speaking of Hardee's, their commercial with all the perverted roosters running to see the unveiling of the largest chicken breasts along with the Pay Day commercials where part of the candy bar is blurred out...I'm glad I'm not raising a child any more.
Cialis. The set up for the commercial where the man and his wife are in the garden working on getting their garden to grow? And then he gives this creepy lear at his wife as in "what else is growing?"


@bama alum At this point there's only one reality show (if I can call it that) I find myself watching—occasionally. Wipeout. And at best I can only get through about 10-15 minutes and I'm off to another channel.
any and all insurance commercials that don't feature Mayhem.

+1,000,000,000.....those things are hilarious.

for me it would have to be every "reality" show EVER. there is nothing real about reality shows. they all have some script to them. my reality show would be sorta like survivor. i'd put 20 people on an island with hidden cameras. i'd drop them off and say, "last one alive.....wins." there would be no time frame. but seemingly non-violent, innocent people will turn on each other for their own survival. i wouldn't give them any food, any water, any shelter, or any weapons. you have to live on your own "smarts". now THAT'S survivor.

other than that, all the reality shows can go. i've never watched one in full and don't have any desire to do so.

every show where people sing or dance to try to win a prize or competition. all of them.
every "reality" show that follows quasi-celebrities around.
every show featuring a witch, warlock, vampire or wolf people (exception: the original Bewitched). I realize I just emptied TNT's lineup.
any show on ESPN that discusses an issue/game more than five minutes, unless that game is today, tomorrow or yesterday.
the view.
any show that seriously represents it's searching for bigfoot/yeti, ghosts or Nessie.
any show about naked people in a jungle.
all storage container shows.
any local or national news segment that draws from viewer facebook posts or tweets.
dog the bounty hunter.
any cops show that arrests people with their shirts on - never mind, there aren't any.

Apparently, ED commercials strike a nerve, so to speak. If the viagra commercials were rooted in reality, the guy driving the Camaro running hot would be scalded when he opened the radiator cap and would be in no mood for action. Can't roll in the hay when you have blisters - or shouldn't, anyway.


Funny thing about the ED one. That would be the one that had the guy smiling with the big grim on his face. My then nine year old wanting to know why his was griming so much. Her mother told her his wife just told him a funny joke.
Commercials with talking babies .. political ads bashing the opponents .. commercials for lawyers with bad jingles ("The heavy hitters are all you need, call 1-800-LAW-thirteen thirty-three!!")
MetLife the one where the grandfather fall and hurt his arm. The wife, daughter, granddaughter starts talking about what if he had died. All the time he in the room, to me that is not right. Come on MetLife just to sell your insurance.
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