Gather 'round - Serious business


Gentleman Extraordinaire
The start up costs and first year expenses are higher than expected for a much nicer site, similar to this one. We could do a low budget place like we had, and likely end up right back where we were. Getting to the point, how many are willing to help contribute funds to get this thing going? Ballpark numbers could be something like needing 25 people to donate $25 each. Think back to the old site, it could be tough to find 25 willing to actually donate.
Hannibal is trying to get some more exact numbers, but based on the these, what are your thoughts? Counting on 20-30 folks seems optimistic in my opinion.

Thoughts? Ideas on generating money?

I'd do it. Only if I could be sure. the work net nanny wouldn't block it.

Funny side story .. Crimson Red Sports is blocked (and categorized online gambling). This site, however, is not.

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