Floor drain cannot keep up with washing machine water pressure

Is this a regular floor drain like a shower drain, or is it a drain in the wall where the water supply comes out? Try obscene amounts of drano/liquid plumr. Does it go to a sewer line? Can you get to the drain below you in a cellar, basement or crawl space? If so, does it have a P drain in it? That's usually where it clogs. PVC or cast iron?

If you set up a laundry sink and it's a direct line to the drain, then the basin could possibly hold the excess water until it has time to drain.

Good luck. Buying and installing the laundry sink might be more expensive than a plumber.


It's like a shower drain in the basement, cast iron. It's just like this.


I have read about adding 2 in pipe from washer to drain, which is 1.5 inches. Supposedly, that extra diameter would help air flow and the drain.
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Thanks. It could potentially be an air issue, but I would think it's a clog. How long does it take the water to start backing up? That might give you an idea of how far down the pipe the clog is. Also, as a stopgap measure (you may already do this) you might want to run your washer on the smallest setting to send less water down with each cycle. You'd end up having to do more loads of laundry, but it might help, particularly if your backup isn't happening immediately.


I have an old house that I use for a rental and it has cast iron pipe. So that being said, if you have cast iron, it is an old house as well. Cast iron acts a lot like our arteries in our body. They corrode from the inside out. Basically as trash passes through the pipe it starts building up. So what was once a 1.5 inch pipe is probably 3/4 of an inch now. Most likely you are stuck unless you replace the pipe completely. I have a similar situation with my old rental house where the clothes washer drain into a pipe. About every 8-12 months I have to snake that drain out as well. Not the answer you're looking for, but that would be my best guess scenario by what you are describing.
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