Finally got a recall notice on my Honda Accord


The Rowdy One
Not sure if anyone remembers me talking about the high oil consumption my car was having about 3 years ago and i took it into the dealership and they worked on it and charged around 1400.00 but I still had the oil problem. Anyway today i got a letter telling me there is a recall on my car for high oil consumption because of sticking piston rings and to schedule an appointment.

So I was wondering would they fix the issue now and repay me what i paid to them, which i have the receipt where it says customer said high oil consumption
Lance, is it Tameron? I would be aggressive about going after the refund. If they are not forthcoming, this is the kind of thing that Honora Gathings at ABC 33/40 takes on, and they would likely just pay up rather than get the bad publicity.
update on car, after a 1000 miles i checked the oil and it was showing about half a quart low and also had a friend check yesterday and he showed the same thing on level ground after the car had been there for an hour but somehow Tameron Honda said this morning that it hasn't leaked a drop
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