| FTBL Duke Super Bowl: Link to site on the game with ND...


I found this surfing around this morning. Some of it is sophmoric humor, but entertaining in its own right. I thought the blog entry of Willingham being responsible for global warming was a little humorous.


I just forward the link to my son, who's a freshman at Duke. He'll get a kick out of it. Now that basketball season has finally gotten here, things are looking up, though.

Actually, he's a big Bama football fan and has even converted some dorm mates, including a Canadian, into following Crimson Tide football. It's become a ritual for them to watch the Bama games on Saturdays.
Duke ND

# of Votes - Preseason Coaches Poll 1 90 Thank you, Steve Spurrier. :D

Bowl Game Wins in Last 10 Years None None! Toss-up At least we don't claim to be a football school...

Anyone want to predict a winner?

I'm going with Duke (Their Sagarin Rating is better 95 to 103)
ghice said:
Duke ND

# of Votes - Preseason Coaches Poll 1 90 Thank you, Steve Spurrier. :D

Bowl Game Wins in Last 10 Years None None! Toss-up At least we don't claim to be a football school...

Anyone want to predict a winner?

I'm going with Duke (Their Sagarin Rating is better 95 to 103)

A question that crossed my mind earlier was if this is the first time Duke has had a nationally televised game in football?
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