| FTBL Dooley just got FIRED


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Derek Dooley has been fired. Will not coach kentucky game. Press conference today at 2 pm with AD Dave Hart. Dooley will not attend

18 Nov 12

Guess that loss to Vandy 41-18 did him in.
Vandy's been a coaching killer this year. Joker Phillips was fired after their loss to Vandy and now Dooley.

Obviously calling Vandy a "coaching killer" is a stretch, but I don't think I've ever seen Vandy playing like they're playing this season.
So when does Vandy's coach bolt?

Honestly, I think it's going to have to be a top flight job offer for him to jump ship. I think it's going to take a program that he could go to and potentially win a National Championship.

I think Franklin really likes it in Nashville, and at Vandy. So far, when he tells them to jump, Vandy has jumped. They gave him an extension and raise during this past offseason. They've made improvements to the stadium and facilities...including an Indoor Practice Facility that they're about to break ground on.

And on top of that, he doesn't really have much pressure on him...he has to beat 4 OOC weaklings a year, and then win 2 or more conference games and he's the king at Vandy.

I know it was meant as a joke, but I don't think Franklin would even consider going to Tennessee.
The more interesting question to me? Who are the Vols going to hire, and are they going to be able to afford to drop some cash in order to get a top notch coach?

After John Gruden, Charlie Strong seems to be a popular candidate in most Vols' mind.
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