| LIFE Curious. Have you guys read about the Maravians?

Had to look them up. Found this tidbit. Bit of reading also confirms sola scriptura is strong with them as it is with Protestants in general.
“While Moravian contributions to theology, missions, education, and music have received ample attention, one aspect in the life of the eighteenth-century Moravian Church has gone almost unnoticed, even among modern Moravians: the fact that women shared many of the pastoral responsibilities within the church, wrote spiritual autobiographies, received ordination, and even engaged in preaching.2 The example and role of the Moravian Sisters’ ministry deserves a wider audience, as does the way Zinzendorf and the Moravians dealt with biblical passages prohibiting the preaching of women”
the moravians/maravians are wrong in having female pastors
Okay. You're going to have to go into more here. "Wrong for female pastors" is what...how?

When Paul wrote about that it was in reference to women laying prostrate over vats of burning chemicals...a, reaction, if you will, to speaking in tongues in the early Christian church.
I realize the value you place on “worship music” as you surely know how I feel about it.
Replace value with infatuation and you're right. Yes, I 'religiously' attend a service that's praise and worship one a month. I have for years.

I've been watching music closely for the last few years. I believe there is a resurrection coming, through that medium.

As mentioned, nine of the top ten church songs today are coming from Seacoast. It's not a braggadocios statement, just one to offer perspective. A journey from a church you see influencing A LOT of people.
Wrong as in women can’t be pastors in a church. In Paul’s time a bishop was the pastor of a church.
“The phrase "husband of one wife" appears in the King James Version of the Bible in 1 Timothy 3:2, which states, "A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach". The phrase can also be found in 1 Timothy 3:12, which states, "Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well"

Can’t be a husband of one wife as a woman.
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