| FOOD Crown Royal Water Break


Bama Fan since 1965 and counting....
I'm think some of you need this during Bama games!! :ROFLMAO:

Crown Royal Water Break

The love for sports is an amazing thing.

The fans. The cheers. The rivalries. The face painting. The traditions. The rituals.

As true sports fans, it’s what we live for …
… until someone doesn’t moderate their drinking.

Because without moderation, the joy of sports is ruined for everyone.

Introducing The Crown Royal Water Break,
A moment that provides a well-needed break from drinking during games.

A break to moderate, and hydrate, so we can ALL stay in the game.
That is a responsible way to enjoy alkihall. To do anything to extreme is not the way to enjoy anything. It will get old and you will damage people you love forever. My son is an alcoholic. He is 50 years old and alcohol has taken away everything in his life. He is a pilot, merchant Marine, been a Manager for multiple Enterprise stores, Number one Store with Sprint cell phones, and had been a managing alcoholic until Hurricane Katrina took away everything he owned. If you have loved an alcoholic you know that there is nothing you can do to fix it.

My dad did not drink, but I had some great uncles and one of them was the town drunk like Otis on Andy Griffith. My Grandmother was a full Baptist and believed drinking was one of the worst sins you could do. None of her 7 children drank where you could see them. They were all baptist though so you know they are like cats. You know they do it but you can't catch them.

I have a few drinks every now and then but not frequently. I love single malt scotch on the rocks and a good cigar. @alabama mike I am sorry that your dad ruined your drinking for enjoyment but in reality you haven't missed anything important.
If you can find the sea salt/caramel Crown Royal and mix it with a Fanta green apple soda, you'll be drinking a candied apple. I don't really imbibe frou frou drinks, but this is Crown Royal...And that stuff is GOOOOOOOOOOD!
My sister likes the peach one. I can't stand peaches due to an issue from my childhood so I stay away from it. But, if it is anything like their other flavors, it really is good.
My wife can't stand buttermilk, it was one of the thing her mother did to her then beating the hell out of her! Today this day she can't stand the smell of it.
My wife can't stand buttermilk, it was one of the thing her mother did to her then beating the hell out of her! Today this day she can't stand the smell of it.
Hate to hear that. Mine is more mundane, having to mow the grass around a peach tree nobody ever picked up the fallen peaches from. The smell of hundreds of rotten peaches being blended in the summer heat just gets into your head. It isn't too far from what peaches taste like, but twisted and rotten. So the smell of them still almost makes me wretch now almost 40 years later.
Jameson orange is not like any other Jameson. It's more a party drink and is too orange without a mixer. I drink Jameson Caskmates Stout when I drink Jameson and it's always straight on ice.
Color me ignorant then. Sorry. I haven’t enjoyed any flavored whiskey to date and I like the sweet vanilla hints of Jameson. I can’t imagine it being more orange than Fanta.
I think Jameson is nasty, pretty much in the same category as fireball for me. Give me some decent bourbon over a little ice, or a decent beer. I've been dry since before the NYE game, just needed a little break from my pandemic pace of drinking.
Jameson is better than Fireball, but I do find regular Jameson to be a little rough. The Caskmates Stout is a lot smoother and full flavored. I can't justify anything over $50 a bottle for a 750ml, once you hit that point the price goes up exponentially while the drinkability increases only slightly.
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