Coach Linguist telling #5 to fake the leg injury after the substituion issue (CKD was right about the substitution issue) was infuriating to me!!!!
THAT RIGHT THERE shows me that at least, Defensively, we are about gimmicks NOT fundamentals! When crap is hitting the fan, we all go to our instincts & that the card a CB coach at 'Bama told his player to do!? Gimmicks!? Not play the next play. Not dominate your opponent?!
Meanwhile, while Jawja got their butt whipped in the first quarter, they got better. They played the next play. They had pride in performance. The fought & took the lead. NO Coach on Jawja was telling folks to fake injuries!
The mental toughness that was in this program is GONE! Who on this team is going to bow up & fight? Who is going to go back to work & practice?
THAT RIGHT THERE shows me that at least, Defensively, we are about gimmicks NOT fundamentals! When crap is hitting the fan, we all go to our instincts & that the card a CB coach at 'Bama told his player to do!? Gimmicks!? Not play the next play. Not dominate your opponent?!
Meanwhile, while Jawja got their butt whipped in the first quarter, they got better. They played the next play. They had pride in performance. The fought & took the lead. NO Coach on Jawja was telling folks to fake injuries!
The mental toughness that was in this program is GONE! Who on this team is going to bow up & fight? Who is going to go back to work & practice?