| LIFE Circumcised Galatians Really Wishing That Letter From Paul Had Come Sooner

If the headline doesn't make you laugh ... 🤷‍♂️

GALATIA — A local follower of the new religious sect known as "Christians" expressed frustration after a letter from the Apostle Paul arrived notifying the group of believers that circumcision is not a requirement to be a member of the church.

"Would've helped to have known about this a few days ago," said Lucius, a recent convert to the faith. "I became a believer in Jesus Christ last week, and I was so gung-ho about doing everything I could to show how serious I was about changing my life. These Jewish guys told me if I really wanted to belong, I needed to get circumcised. Now, we get this letter from Paul saying it's not required. Could've saved myself a lot of pain if I had been a little more patient. I still can't walk normally."

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