| CURRENT EVENTS China Joe and the Left

This one has me confused. Amazon is fighting like hell to keep the unions out, but Bezo is gonna "help" Biden quickly distribute the vaccine, so does Biden shit on the unions that supported him during the election as union officials (talking the PTB in the unions, not the actual workers here)that always push a Democrat agenda on the said workers or "help" Jeff out with a growing push on voting to unionize Amazon (Birmingham facility is now pushing for a vote to unionize)?
Starting to frame “multiracial whiteness” in terms of political think.

It's bullshit like that, that pisses me off the most. It's like they're blaming people for their skin color. As if people can choose what color they want to be.

I'm white
I'm a male

Therefore, I'm already guilty of racism. Do I like dislike people of color or those who aren't white? Only when they break the law or try to tell me I'm racist when I'm not. Otherwise, I couldn't give 2 shits what color your skin is. If you're a good person, then you're a good person. END OF STORY! But to tell me I'm racist simply because I'm white therefore I'm the same as a slave owner who died over 200 damn years ago. That's absolute bullshit and I'll call out ANYONE who tells me otherwise.

My ancestors came over from Europe well after the Civil War. They actually came over not too long before WWII. They didn't own slaves.

I actually had someone at work tell a manager I was racist because I was talking about shooting rioters/looters who might come to my neighborhood looking for trouble or to hurt anyone or break into homes. And I used the words "people" and "anyone". I didn't assign color to them. Yet they immediately took it as I was racist towards black people. And they told the manager that I was talking about shooting black people. Funny, I didn't know rioters and looters were comprised of only black people. So I said THEY were the ones who were racist as they immediately thought of only black people when I said "rioters" and "looters".

Shitty people come in all forms and colors; and from all walks of life. Rich, poor, black, white, Conservative, Liberal. It doesn't matter. Every group of people on this planet has a percentage of them who are shitty people. Always has been, always will be. But to tell me I'm a certain way simply because of my skin color? Then that makes THEM the racist one, not me.
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