| LIFE Can you guess the site?


auburn h8r
Someone who I chat online with on occasion who is a fellow Bama fan told me that a certain Bama forum banned him today. Oh my Lord, did that bring back some memories! I was once a member of said Bama forum. Many years ago, I was booted from that place. I think you have to wear a tie to post there, LOL. My friend was tossed today for crossing “the boss”. I recall getting a warning for using the word “uppity”. As in, I received infraction points, LOL.That put me on a troublemaker watchlist and so the next time I fucked up, I was escorted out. I told my friend not to feel bad, because hell, who hasn’t been banned from there. I ventured over to that boring ass place for the first time in many years to see the argument with the boss that resulted in my friend’s exile and lo and behold, it’s the same one who banned me years ago. In times like these, I’ll take a good laugh anyway I can get it. So, can anyone guess the site? 😂
Man, I had forgotten just how cult like it is over there. Any disagreement in any form is met with an automatic banning. I just don’t care for that tow the party line or be gone mentality. For instance, the boss over there despises Dabo. He says that a lot of the Bama fan base gives him a pass because he’s one of our own. He doesn’t like that either. There were a ton of deleted posts in that thread. The only posts in that thread weren’t deleted were only the ones that were in 100% agreement with the boss man. So much ass kissing. That is the hardest I’ve laughed in a long time 😂
was never on tidefans...and it sounds like it's a good thing i wasn't. whoever runs it seems to have a complex about being right all the time and anyone who disagrees with them....they get the boot.
Earle is such a bullshit artist. He’s got a lot of the members there convinced that he has insider connections to the program. Even disagreeing with him in PMs is a no no. I pissed him off so bad that he told others there that not only would I never be on tidefans again, but he’d do his best to make sure that I never posted on any Bama site ever again 🤣
Earle is such a bullshit artist. He’s got a lot of the members there convinced that he has insider connections to the program. Even disagreeing with him in PMs is a no no. I pissed him off so bad that he told others there that not only would I never be on tidefans again, but he’d do his best to make sure that I never posted on any Bama site ever again 🤣

now THAT'S arrogance, right there. how the hell did he think he'd pull that off?

never met the guy
never been on that board
yet i think he's a douche-bag

is that wrong?
Yeah, @MunchyOs , I could have guessed it. Ole Earl is God's gift to Bama fans everywhere, if you don't believe me, just ask ole Earl. That's what he thinks and the way he acts. Invite your friend to join us over here.
Yeah, @MunchyOs , I could have guessed it. Ole Earl is God's gift to Bama fans everywhere, if you don't believe me, just ask ole Earl. That's what he thinks and the way he acts. Invite your friend to join us over here.
That sums him up perfectly. There was another mod on there that had the username Savannah Dare. She was one of his minions. She laid into me for questioning the almighty Earl. She told me something like “if Earl says something is going to happen where the program is concerned, you can take it to the bank”. 😂 What a crazy ass place. I told my friends about this site and said they should come on over
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