Yeah....for 7$$$$Free samples at each game?
So I was curious how far away you can get them, noticed they are sold in a few interesting locations (South Dakota and Wyoming), both of which are on Air Force Bases...that's cool!
Store Locator
Use our store locator to find the nearest stores and locations that carry our delicious Conecuh Sausage
Buy one, get one of the HF for the fam, buy two of the Conecuh Cajun for me. I am intrigued to try out the cracked black pepper, have not seen it in the stores up in the NE corner of the state, yet. Maybe I just overlooked it in my dash straight to the Cajun seasoned.Here's the thing stores like Bi-Lo do to me everytime, yesterday included.
16 oz Hillshire is buy one get one free. Conecuh is also 16 oz, it's .50 cheaper than the Hillshire ... but it's not BOGO. What do you do ...
My sister make a turnip green soup with its, along with other stuff.
U from homewood?Soho Social in Homewood makes some egg-rolls with Collards, Conecuh, and cheese. They are dang near life changing.