Been wanting to try my hand at brisket


Verified Member
I saw the new thread with one recipe. Does anyone else have any tried and true recipes that they like for brisket?

i love to slow cook, and somehow this one has escaped me in all my years of grillin' and chillin'.
I haven't cooked one either, will be doing that once it warms up a bit. I wasn't a big fan of brisket until a trip to a really good BBQ joint down in central Texas, ever since I've been hooked.

Check out BBQwithFranklin's youtube channel - he has the number 1 rated BBQ joint in Texas - there is a 2-4 hour line at the door on the weekends.

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Tip #1...Do not inject with anything
Tip #2...Use lots of rub, more than you would on a butt, you want a real nice crust to seal in natural juices.
Tip #3...Hit real hard with the smoke in the first 2 hours of cooking
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