| LIFE Bee hives. Wayne.

It's amazing and very interesting. She did a very good job. There is something about a lady beekeeper that doesn't piss off the bees like a male does. We have a few in our local bee club like her, never wear gloves, veil or a bee suit. I can't do it. I'm covered head to toe in a sting proof bee suit and gloves anytime I go into a hive.

Thanks @TerryP for sharing that. She would be a keeper.
It's amazing and very interesting. She did a very good job. There is something about a lady beekeeper that doesn't piss off the bees like a male does. We have a few in our local bee club like her, never wear gloves, veil or a bee suit. I can't do it. I'm covered head to toe in a sting proof bee suit and gloves anytime I go into a hive.

Thanks @TerryP for sharing that. She would be a keeper.
They've used that comb for a long time. Dark comb equals richer honey. Richer meaning slightly less sweet and more flavor or at least it does / did in my hives.

I doubt it would have an oakish taste. Whatever they're gathering dictates the taste.
That is one thing I liked about your honey compared to what I get locally...it wasn't as sweet. I can only describe it as a "wood" flavor...still, to this day, can't put my finger on the flavor. Smokey doesn't work...but it does.

Look. I made some syrup a few minutes ago...two cups of brown sugar, water, and butter. REAL butter. You know how sweet that is, right? And the honey in this area is too sweet for me most of the time.
I can only describe it as a "wood" flavor...still, to this day, can't put my finger on the flavor. Smokey doesn't work...but it does.
I think that's very accurate. Several of my customers back then described it the same way as you just did.

When you got that honey, I was planting buckwheat for the bees to forage. That's the not so sweet, woodsy, smokey taste you describe. We loved it.
I think that's very accurate. Several of my customers back then described it the same way as you just did.

When you got that honey, I was planting buckwheat for the bees to forage. That's the not so sweet, woodsy, smokey taste you describe. We loved it.
As soon as you get your "supply" back up to par...let me know.

I made biscuits yesterday...no, not out of a bag or can. The ol' rolling pin and flour like grandma...and I'd love to have some decent honey.

But, I'm not complaining about brown sugar syrup with some bacon...
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