| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Not sure about Lex, I'll hold judgement until I see the finished product. Definitely a different take on Lex. Doomsday has a few fanboys worked up, but he doesn't look bad over all. Looking forward to seeing BvS.

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I have heard two different things from two guys who are always up for superhero movies. One said it was "GREAT!" The other said it was OK but Ben Affleck was really good as Batman. I tend to believe the latter of the two more. I know for a fact that the director is releasing his "Ultimate Version" with the DVD in July and my past with him (Watchmen) says the movie probably matches the reviews right now (in other words it is pretty Meh) but that the Ultimate Edition will be great. It will also be really long at like 3 1/2 hours.
Same here as @rocknthefreeworld said. Heard from two guys and one said it was great and the other said "not so good." Both thought Affleck was a good Batman.

Not sure I care who plays batman at this point....... :nopics:
For you guys that stop me from taking my grandson to the other show. THANKS!! Now from him it wasn't a Marvel movie, so he couldn't find Stan Lee. :D But, it was a superhero movie and that's what he likes. he would give it a 5* just for the fighting part. He would tell me who he was pulling for either. Me I was waiting for Wonder Woman(She isn't no Linda Carter) but she will do. I will tell you I like the movie, it shows you, what happen to Bruce parents. It also shows you the other superhero that will be in the next movie. I won't tell you about those you will need to look them up. Grandson lets his sister go with us to the show, and one of them didn't like the way that it ended. Gunner said it to set the next movie up.
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