| OT ⚾ "Say goodbye to that beer." ( It's the others in the gif that kept me watching.)

Dare I say they didn't see it.

The two ladies to her left were just talking. Gotta pay attention when you're behind the plate with no net.

Not a place I'd sit, I prefer sitting near 3rd base.
Not a place I'd sit, I prefer sitting near 3rd base
Where is the team I'm rooting for? In the MLB some are on the 3rd base side, some on the 1st base side. In "The Joe" I'm sitting along the first base line to see inside of Bama's dugout. Not that it really means anything ... and, it's not a lot different than sitting around the bullpen. I like watching pitchers warm up.
Generally speaking, I prefer the somewhere near 3rd base, just where I sit if I have a choice.

It's been a few years since I've been to a professional baseball game, last game was Padres a few years ago when I was in San Diego. In Texas, I just don't feel like driving to Arlington, it's not even remotely enjoyable during the summer heat.

I will be going to a Missoula Osprey game in a few weeks. Looking forward to that actually.
I will be going to a Missoula Osprey game in a few weeks. Looking forward to that actually.
Several nights during the season a group of us will have an Uber night at "The Joe" here in town. (Ironic, eh?) Uber, because, well, you know. It's pretty good baseball.

You simply can't touch the venue...which is a lot of the reason we go down there several times per year. Oh...1st base side there and that's above the players dugout. But, it's easier access to "filling stations."

I love minor league baseball. I spent a good portion of a year in Montgomery on assignment, and I really enjoy the Montgomery Biscuits stadium. sunken field, railroad track in left, old street buildings.

I spent a couple of summers in Madison and took in games of the Madison Black Wolf of the independent Northern League. Low, low budget operation, actually had a lady pitching for them one season, used to play for the Silver Bullets.
My office in Missoula is a 5 min walk to the Missoula Osprey. Cool thing...there is a LEGIT Osprey nest with Osprey's between the fence and the sidewalk just to the right of center field.

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