| FTBL Arkansas to sell beer, wine at Razorback Stadium in 2014

Arkansas will add its name to the growing list of college selling alcoholic beverages at football stadiums beginning this fall. According to a report from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, the school will begin selling beer and wine to club seat holders at Razorback Stadium this fall, pending the approval of a liquor license from the state.

While the Southeastern Conference does not allow the sale of alcohol in non-premium seating in the SEC, skybox and club seating patrons have been allowed to have alcoholic drinks at seven other SEC stadiums for years. Both Alabama and Auburn allow premium seat holders to bring in their own alcohol.

Around the country, sales of beer and wine have become more and more popular as schools look to find new ways to attract fans to stadiums. As of 2013, at least 20 FBS schools offered beer sales to non-premium seat holders during games, including West Virgina, Louisville and Miami.

Do you think the SEC should offer beer or wine as an option to non-premium ticket holders? Would you be more or less likely to attend games if it was offered?
Would it keep our students in the stands? :bluebiggrin:. I kid, I kid.

If beer were sold there anyways, it would be the same old nasty skunky beer that just is disgusting. I'd advise them to look into our "Official Favorite Beers Thread" and sell there. No real dark beer, just some light beer that is tasty. But my answer really is no. As much as I would like it, I've been to sporting events and concerts where beer is sold, and I know how teenagers are. You put alcohol available, you're going to get some "cool" adult who will buy it for some kid. Then you're really just asking for a fight to break out. Here's a scenario: You're sitting in BDS, drinking a beer, and maybe you're getting a bit of liquid courage. You're enjoying the game, then out breaks Rocky Top and you're just pissed because these fat old hillbillies are singing it at the top of their lungs just to piss everyone off. Maybe close to 5000 Tennessee fans, about half had a beer + an estimation of 20,000 UA fans surrounding them, with the same beer problem.

It would a riot of epic proportions. I hope you all enjoyed this story.
Contemplating make the trip up to the game this year, we had a good time 2 years ago when we went. That area of Arkansas is really beautiful But then again, I'm in flatville and no trees here in North Texas.
as much as i love adult beverages, i think the overall quality of the experience of attending the game for most of the Joe and Tammy and 2.5 kids family people would definitely go down with the serving of alcohol in the stadium. do what i do. pack a few individual size Beam shooters in your boot and keep it on the DL.
i would like to preface this by saying that i have had my share of alcoholic drinks. i used to hit the clubs and bars when i was younger and would often drink a few. so it's not like i'm totally against drinking beer or other alcoholic beverages.

but i've never understood those that say, "you can't go out to a club/bar" or "you can't go to a football game" or anything else of relevance without having a drink. well, you can. i know because i've done it. there were quite a few times where i'd go out to a club or bar with friends and never have a drink. i could have just as good a time without one sip of alcohol as someone who'd had too many.

so no, i don't think they should sell beer/alcohol at college football games. if you can't go watch a game inside a stadium without something to drink, then you have a problem if you have to have beer or some other alcoholic drink "just because", then you have a problem. i never understood the fascination with getting drunk for the sake of getting drunk.

now i'm not saying don't drink at all. by all means, have a couple if you're so inclined. when we tailgate, i sometimes have a beer or two. but it's early in the day so i know it is out of my system before i even attempt to drive anywhere. but there are those that think you can't do one without the other and there are those that think you can't drink without getting drunk.

alcohol sold inside the stadium + the passion that comes with being a fan of an SEC team = bad things will happen.
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