Plaintiff Jason Jaghori claims Arby’s Bacon Ranch Wagyu Steakhouse Burger and Deluxe Wagyu Steakhouse Burger are marketed in a way that would lead a reasonable consumer to believe they are made entirely of wagyu beef.
Your collection of dumb-asses include one Johori and two, any "reasonable consumer" who actually believed it was 100% Wagyu in the first place.
$100 quarter-pounder from Arby's? Because, literally, that's what we'd be talking about IF we weren't watching said "collection of dumb-asses."
"It's a case filed in NY?" - said no one.
Arby's class action alleges wagyu burgers not 100% wagyu beef
Arby’s deceptively markets its new wagyu burgers since the beef patties actually contain 48% regular angus beef, a new class action lawsuit alleges.