Approached by the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police)


Verified Member
Was in the parking lot of a highway coffee shop today (Ontario, Canada), waiting outside my RAV4 for a guy whom I met on the Net and to whom I was selling a set of Toyota hub caps. While waiting for him, suddenly an OPP cruiser (think State Police in the USA) pulls up nearby. Two officers get out, one draws his sunglasses and approaches me. Okay.. getting nervous here. What'd a I do? The cop suddenly smiles and says... you a Bama fan? (Noticing my Tide tire cover on my RAV4). Next thing I know, we're talking football, the coming season, our trips to Tuscaloosa etc, before giving each other a ROLL TIDE, as the officers depart into the coffee shop for some coffee. Gotta love life small social anomalies, especially when it's meeting fellow Canadian Bama fans. And there's more up here than you might think. ROLL TIDE!
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