Anybody ever used one of these to fry a turkey?

I have......actually doing a turkey in one on Thursday. My father-in-law bought one of these a few years back and every year we do a turkey in this thing along with a regular fried turkey. I still think the fried is better. (nothing beats that artery clogging, greasy, goodness). Having said all that, it does a fantastic job, and still lemedy million times better than the traditional baked turkey. When cooked in this thing, it is cooks up just like a fried turkey. On Bob Baumhauer's menu he has "almost fried turkey" and I'm almost positive, this is what it is cooked in. You can inject it and rub it down like you normally would for a fried turkey and throw it in the cooker. It takes longer, I want to say about 3 hours as opposed to the average 1 hour for a fried turkey. I think you would be pleased if you got one. And clean up is indeed easier.
Thanks for the info Douglas. I had a hard time believing that they tasted better than the real fried turkeys, but if the taste is minimal, I might have to go ahead and get one. I just never know when reading these reviews if they are being written by folks who also say the best steak in their life is the ribeye that they cook on their patio on a gas grill and then smother in Heinz 57. I needed to hear from someone I trusted.
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