Any sufferers of anxiety disorder?


I know it's a touchy subject for some .. but I have anxiety disorder (panic attacks, generally being anxious 24/7), and am looking to make changes in my life to improve my condition. I am currently trying to lower my intake of carbs/sugars. I grew up as an athlete so carbs and starches were my main food groups .. Trying to teach my body to like new things.

If anyone is a fellow sufferer, or knows someone who is, feel free to chime in. I just thought it might be useful to have a safe space where we could talk and share thoughts and help each other.
I have problems from time to time. I have medication that I take when needed. The subject is very difficult to explain to someone who does not have anxiety attacks bc they can hit at anytime and anywhere. When mine occur, I have a real feeling of helplessness, break out in a death sweat and my heart races. No advice on sugar and carbs.
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