| CURRENT EVENTS Any of you guys dealing with gas shortages?


I filled up three vehicles over the weekend so no real impact here, so far. However, when I stepped by the convenience store yesterday the manager told me there wasn't any available within a five mile radius. I didn't believe here until I saw all the pumps closed.

$60 to fill up the truck. $45 to fill up the SUV. $30 for the car...geez.
Things are fine in Northport, but some of the small towns around (like Greensboro have had issues this week). I went into Walmart yesterday around lunch to grab some charcoal and there was a dude barreling down the aisle with a buggy full of large gas cans headed to check out. The Walmart gas station had really long lines too, but no bother to me. Just wanted my charcoal.
After I got out of the Rehab Center. I had to get water for the breathing machine. As we were sitting waiting for our daughter and grandson to come out of Wall Mart. The station when from 2.65 to 2.75. With cars in line to buy! It was about 5 minute between this change.
It's just like toilet paper. If we all go out and top off our cars on the same day, there will be a shortage.

Colonial re-started operations yesterday afternoon, and it'll take several days to a few weeks to get their entire chain caught up.
It's just like toilet paper. If we all go out and top off our cars on the same day, there will be a shortage.

Colonial re-started operations yesterday afternoon, and it'll take several days to a few weeks to get their entire chain caught up.
At the same wall mart the bread was almost gone. Also the milk.
The media is making this shit worse than it needs to be. The local news stations in Birmingham devoted damn near the whole 5:00 news to the gas armageddon. Saying that we could be dealing with this well into the fall :rolleyes: Fucking douchebags need to get a life
I filled up yesterday on my way out of Atlanta at the new Dallas Costco, I drove right up to the left (right side tank) pumps. Station manager there told me that almost half of Atlanta metro's gas didn't come from Colonial, including theirs, and the only reason for any Atlanta shortages was panic buying.
I filled up yesterday on my way out of Atlanta at the new Dallas Costco, I drove right up to the left (right side tank) pumps. Station manager there told me that almost half of Atlanta metro's gas didn't come from Colonial, including theirs, and the only reason for any Atlanta shortages was panic buying.
I read that those guys Colonial paid out to those hack! 5mills.
I read that those guys Colonial paid out to those hack! 5mills.
Yep. In total I think that group had about $90 million is blackmail money paid in crypto over the years. Their wallet was cleaned out of the last $14 or so million a few days after Colonial happened. Thing is, the people who got the money were not the actual hackers, they just wrote the software and let others use it for a slice of the blackmail money. No idea how much went to the software people and how much went to those who did the actual attack.
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