Alabama mother assaults OU student at Sugar Bowl

Old Timer from TX

Verified Member
they showed this video on the news a few minutes ago.

according to them, she was defending her kids from what the OK fans were saying to them. if that's the case then i don't blame her for what she did.
Lol, "assaults". Goes to show you that you need the full story before judging. Those were Oklahoma frat guys, surely they wouldn't be taunting a family? Yeah...

I know of the family, only live 15 mins from Sweet Water. They were cursing and taunting every Bama fan in the section all game. Doesn't make it right, but don't think this is all on her.
Seriously. What fans would physically harm someone's children? At a game in front of thousands... I don't buy her story. She was drunk. It's terrible that she's putting this off on her kids. The video does not support her claims.
Seriously. What fans would physically harm someone's children? At a game in front of thousands... I don't buy her story. She was drunk. It's terrible that she's putting this off on her kids. The video does not support her claims.

Where are you getting this from? There is nowhere mentioning she was inebriated. You making unsubstantiated claims that can't be verified. While the guys (the OU frat boys) might be drunk, I don't see a parent being under the influence there with kids which include a 16 year old .
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I don't know the whole story, but neither do I condone either action. I can dismiss the words to me, but harassing kids is another matter. I don't care whose kids they are, I will defend them to my last breath. But that's just me.
Don't mess with a southern mama's kids. I've heard that "Don't mess with..." something somewhere else. Now where was that...? Sorry y'all. I can't think of it. Perhaps someone could refresh my memory.

I'm a Texas Longhorn fan. I know our fanbase would be the last people to stick up for OU fans, but the video clearly shows that this lady was the aggressor

Any excuse that the OU student(s) said anything negative about her kids is totally unproven. What can be proven is that she assaulted the student and other OU fans. To their credit, they didn't even fight back though they would never be in the wrong to defend themselves. This lady was clearly out of line. Her actions are inexcusable.
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