| NEWS Alabama Football: How Nick Saban could change recruiting again - Bama Hammer

Pardon my rant. Of course Saban and the Tide will benefit greatly from the transfer portal without the one year penalty. So too will all of the other elite programs ... not as much as Saban perhaps but they will get top players at positions of need to the detriment of lesser programs. The exact same thing will happen with NIL. The top programs with the most rabid fan bases will attract the elite recruits and transfers in even greater numbers than they do now.

Combined, these two changes, designed to bring more “fairness” for the players, will only serve to further separate the truly elite programs from all of the other wannabes. Now, I’m a rabid Tide fan so why should I care? Well, that’s because Bama has done just fine without it and also because I’m a huge fan of college football. And as is always the case with “feel good” policies, the unintended consequences cause much more harm than any good they end up doing. Sure, a handful of players will make a lot of money but thousands more won’t ... and the inequality of that will cause locker room problems on top of the further expansion of the chasm between the haves and the have nots. Granted, I’m a traditionalist or an old school old man but what the younger folks don’t yet know is progressive policies rarely bring about the “progress” promised.
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