| OT Aight. Question. How many of you guys ate at the Culinary School at Bama?


Was that in Russell?

Just a trip down memory lane. I was in Carmichael, Phifer, or the "frigid bitch" all the time. (Hopefully, someone will put that together.)

I had the Ferg. The strip. Tutwiler. What was it? Burke South?

Those meals weren't cheap back then. But good lord, those meals were good.

Am I the lone survivor here?
I can't speak to it today. When I was in school it was a "white tablecloth" presentation.

Ha! Reminds me of the breakfast Bama Dining used to set up in the Ferg on Sunday mornings. That was some good eatin'.
When did you graduate?

I graduated in fall of 2017. Miss it a lot sometimes. Drove down to Tuscaloosa about two months ago and saw Tuts is not even there anymore.
When did you graduate?

I graduated in fall of 2017. Miss it a lot sometimes. Drove down to Tuscaloosa about two months ago and saw Tuts is not even there anymore.
Two decades before you were there.

I was in T-town through Stallings, DuBose, and fRan.

I don't know when I'll be able to get back to town. I'd love to wander around campus for a day or two but I want no part of a GameDay crowd. The UGA weekend is REALLY tempting if I can get away.
Two decades before you were there.

I was in T-town through Stallings, DuBose, and fRan.

I don't know when I'll be able to get back to town. I'd love to wander around campus for a day or two but I want no part of a GameDay crowd. The UGA weekend is REALLY tempting if I can get away.
That place has changed a TON since we were down there!!! I was there ‘89 thru Dec of ‘93 and the undergrad population is probably 3 times the size it was way back then!! Construction!!!! Holy shit!!!! Campus stretches down to the river now and from seems like from the courthouse downtown to 82 and almost to 15th Street!

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