Advice Needed - Glasses

Snout Spout

Deep in the Hole
So I got new glasses. They sold me on all the top of the line add-ins. They seem worse than my old ones. I could actually see pretty well out of my old ones except for them being old and having developed a fogginess or film on them.

The new ones are clearer in that regarded, no film/fog, but they are blurry. I can't read the clock on the DVR from across the room, etc. And I could with my old ones. If I cover one eye at a time, the right eye is relatively clear, but not completely. But the left one is blurry and has a blur trail coming off letters toward the lower right.

They say give it a few days, but shouldn't the problem be maybe a slight headache, but clearer vision instead of blurrier vision? Should it be blurry right out of the gate?

It doesn't help that I felt a little rushed during the "which one is better, 1 or 2" part.

And when I picked them up I told her the legs felt a little loose, she said she tightened it and said she was afraid to tighten it more, when I got them home, I noticed the spring must be loose at the corner of the leg I was concerned about because they won't stay open, that leg falls inward. Shouldn't she have noticed that?

Should I give these glasses a few days or immediately demand a recheck? I don't even have a lot of confidence in a recheck getting it right at this point.

TLDR: New glasses are blurry. Give it a few days or demand a recheck?
Sounds to me like you're right eye is the dominant eye, as I understand it, most of what you see is thru this eye. So if that lens is wrong it's going to stick out like a sore thumb.

Years ago I had PRK surgery, my right eye is perfect 20/15 and my left eye is about 20/40. But the kicker, I'm left eye dominant, so most of what I see isn't a clear as what it could be if my right eye was dominant.

I'd take them back, you paid for a service and it should be right is how I see it (pun intended)
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