| FTBL Academic Progress Report




The NCAA released it APR reports, of interest to the fans mostly because a poor showing can cost their favorite team scholarships. Bama is ALL good.

In the few years that the report has been produced, Bama has not failed to improve its University-wide score.

Apparently UAB is in bad shape with 11.5 scholarships being lost Athletic Department-wide.

Stand-by for misplaced gloating from the barners. Their Football program scored 10 points better than Bama ON THE 1000 POINT SCALE. http://blog.al.com/auburnbeat/2008/05/new_apr_scores_released.html However, as is typical they can't help shoot themselves in the foot. I ask you, is it wise to gloat about a 1% lead in an off-the-field matter when readers of the New York Times stand ready to retort by asking how many of the Auburn players are Sociology majors? :wink:

All SEC APRs http://www.al.com/sports/apr/
WRT SEC Football, Miss State and S. Carolina are the only schools that fall below the acceptable standard of 925 (Miss State - 924, S. Carolina - 921).

925 indicates the level where 60% of those receiving scholarships are on track to graduate, relative to their class/year status.
Now that Jon Deaver has the support of the HC in the football program expect those numbers for Bama to rise next year.

The schools that are in danger of losing post season eligibility are a joke. They wouldn't be there anyway.
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