| CURRENT EVENTS A firefight in Fallujah, I mean Montgomery, last night...

Emory Folmer needs to be reincarnated..
He used to beat the police to the calls. He was also a loyal Republican gubernatorial nominee when there was no chance of a win. Then, the Dems resorted to a smoke-filled room approach when Graddick was spurned, and Guy Hunt staggered in. Folmar would've been a heck of a governor. Hunt was about as creditworthy as Trump...
Good lord Ray Charles would have a better hit rate.

Everybody that whines and says “the militarization of local police” should be shown videos like this. This is also why I’m a big proponent of gang task forces and street crimes units.
Everybody that whines and says “the militarization of local police” should be shown videos like this. This is also why I’m a big proponent of gang task forces and street crimes units.

A part of me wishes for the 'Old West' type of mentality. A "militarized populous" is you will. The more John Doe's we have who stand up and say, "no," the better off we are.
I know you live in SC, but you’ve spent a great deal of time in Alabama yes?
Grew up there, went to school there, but didn't pay attention the law on guns at that age. I mean, bruh. You could go to the strip or downtown T-town and you didn't worry about gang activity. You could go to someones house on 10th street and you were good. You could be on the other side of the MLK, after midnight, on a Saturday, and you weren't looking over your shoulder.

Not so much today.
Good lord Ray Charles would have a better hit rate.

Everybody that whines and says “the militarization of local police” should be shown videos like this. This is also why I’m a big proponent of gang task forces and street crimes units.
Officers are scared to get in any proactive divisions, in that city..That moron mayor has an open door policy with Shinbaum & McPhillips..They love hanging officers out to dry..
He is Joe Reed’s son that’s bad enough..
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