| ADMIN A few things to point to real quick...editor / editing options in the "kitchen sink" (Editor manager: media/video embeds, inline spoilers, font(s)))


A few additions we've put in place for the user interface. If you'll look at the replay section below you'll see a few additions right off the bat--quote option as a quick click, gallery embeds, sub/superscript, etc. That's easy enough. To the right of the gallery embed option (camera) a few things added I wanted to point out.


You know how the media works--auto embeds from a bunch of places (which we try to keep updated as often as we can.)

Notice the addition of <HTML> . If the media option doesn't work, there's your last resort. It's easy code to remember for what it's worth.

[parsehtml] and close it with [/parsehtml]

Your also familiar with the Spoiler options. A bit of upgrade there as well.

Spoiler. Easy Enough. You have to click it to see it.


Inline Spoiler is what I want to point to real quick. Just a bit "fancier."

to see it.

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