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Go. That's the point.
Each has to be taken individually. Your jump & shout churches with huge buildings and productions have little room for God. They are personality cults built around the “pastors” Then comes the MacArthur types that rail against the prosperity pimps but still teach error as gospel. Prosperity pimps are the worst.
Then you have your multilevel marketing type churches that are under an umbrella organization much like the one that you said that you attend. I don’t recall it but the day you mentioned it, I looked it up and after the sex crimes I went down a rabbit hole of interconnecting organizations that “swap money.” Including a huge church in California, NC, and 2 different ones in Birmingham. It’s profit driven. I have been there & have a T shirt.
Luther effectively birthed the Sola Scriptura era that gave rise to a few thousand protestant sects all claiming to be the definitive authority on what scripture says.
After saying all of that the caveat is that none are 100% error filled & have some form of grace though lacking in the fullness of such.
Throw away the OT used in the KJV as it was based on hard edits and rewriting after the rise of Christianity. That was KJ screw up using the Masoretic texts. The earliest translation was the Septuagint written around 200-300BC.

Everybody lock n load
that starts with an acknowledgement of God.
You do know that one may utilize an opponent’s viewpoint against themselves as an argumentative tool. An opponent is often more easily nudged towards your views if you pose as one of them, rather than as an “other.” Remember Paul in Athens?? So this quote doesn’t necessarily buttress the existence of a god, any more than Paul believed his god was the same as Zeus. Rather, it seems to me it urges religious authorities to make space for rationalism and science.
You do know that one may utilize an opponent’s viewpoint against themselves as an argumentative tool. An opponent is often more easily nudged towards your views if you pose as one of them, rather than as an “other.” Remember Paul in Athens?? So this quote doesn’t necessarily buttress the existence of a god, any more than Paul believed his god was the same as Zeus. Rather, it seems to me it urges religious authorities to make space for rationalism and science.
I’m muzzled now.
I was in the ministry for a few years. I built this. LIterally. Through things like Summer camps. Between Saturday night and Sunday's I was writing for over 1000 kids.

NOW, been in the bar business as well. It was always silent partner thing because of the gambling restrictions in SC. (It was stupid money...gambling. The "casts the lots" thing rings true..)
BAck to the point. where is the most honest crowd? (both were giving me money. hrmmm.)
The bar has the most honest and I’m willing to bet it’s not even close. Now I don’t attend church or go to the bar, but drunk people are probably the most honest
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